By Professor David J. Malan

Computer Science (CS) is applicable to every possible field in the world, from Economics, to Social Science. There’s a place for CS everywhere.

Almost all of the software today is Web Based or Phone Based. Architecture Software should shift to Web-Based Interfaces.

  • Learn how to solve problems
  • Lean how to represent numbers, letters, colours, images, video, etc
  • Learn how to write Algos/Code

It’s not where you end up relative to your peers, but where you end up relative to when you started this course.

Computational Thinking clean up your thought processes not just in CS but in every aspect of your life. Because the Secret sauce is the same.

31 is the highest you can count in a Unary System. It is just how you can represent up to the number 31. Also called Base 1

Binary is Base 2 0 & 1

BIT is either a single 0 / 1 Transistors are a switches.

Base 10 System - Decimal System 123 - One Hundred Twenty Three

  • taskDifferent Types of Binary/Unary/Decimal, etc deep dive in it 📅 2024-01-28 ✅ 2024-03-24

ASCII is the representation of letters in Numbers starting from 65 for Cap A. ASCII Uses 8Bits. ASCII isn’t enough to represent some Asian/ Accented letters of other alphabets. Emojis are under the UNICODE Representation. UNICODE is a Superset of ASCII. Sometimes use 16Bits.

UNICODE’s mission is to represent and preserve all Human Language letters based from the past, present and the future for all languages.

😂 - Face with Tears of Joy, is the most popular emoji of 2023

Unicode Code Point, - Base 16, Hexadecimal

We are now using UNICODE instead of ASCII. It gives us the ability to showcase 4 Billion Characters

Fitzpatrick Scale, for representing skin tones for Emojis.

Context Matters in Binary Representation

Pseudocode - Writing each steps of the solutions, accurately, succinctly. and line by line.

Arguments >> Function >> Side Effect

Some of the functions basic ones are already developed and stored in files that are called Libraries for example for standard input and output functions are included in the <stdio.h> library for C.

Data Type






Integer Overflow

Choice of Numbered Datatype can have memory implication Does it mean that Increasing the precision of your Rhino Model, ask for more computational Power?

Floating Point Imprecision

This is where Super Computers come into play

Integer Overflow would be an issue on 19th January 2038 as well.

Issue with Boeing

This is closely referenced from Binary Digits

Epoch Time

Type Casting

Data Type


Command Line Argument

Compiling Process when using Make

Decompiling it is difficult to reverse engineer due to the nature of too many ways to solve a given issue, and the fact of loosing a lot of variables and functions declaration in the process.

Read - Why can’t we reverse engineer a code


Rubber Duck Debugging

Arrays - Sequence of values, placed back to back in memory A string IS a Array of char

Global Variable

NUL value is appended after a word ends always!

Exit Status

Algorithmic Thinking

Linear Search

Binary Search

Hashing and Hash Table

Order of Run Time of an Algorithm - Read about it in Detail

Code Smell - Something is Wrong in the Code

Data Structures

Sorting - Read about it in Detail

Recursive Functions - Read about it in Detail Also Read - Google prints did you mean recursion again and again and again!! Lol

Creating Custom Datastructure