What is a PKM

Personal Knowledge Management

What is your end goal? Why are you doing this? Answer this later on.

Quick Capture of Ideas You should have the ability to quickly capture ideas to be processed later on. Also look into GTD Method, Your brain is meant to process the information not to store them Notes Daily Notes Evergreen Notes

Status Tracking How to manage the capture ideas? How to process them to completely understand and digest them. Never loose a single idea that was ever captured.

Text Search Find a faint idea. Using yet another faint keyword. Have a better way to search. One way could be to introduce special symbols taxonomies to organize notes. To categorize notes using emojis.

Chronological method adding dates to the titles by ISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM—DD)

Association Traversal Bi-Directional Wiki Links

Structure Types More Rigid Folder Structure Less Rigid Flexible System MOCs-Maps of Contents

Have a simple structure system enough to be flexible.

Temporal Component Daily Notes/ Journal / Timelines to your links/ When was the link created, when was it processed, etc.

Types of Inputs and their tools Discover - Come to know of, Web Browsing, Need Based, Conversation Acquisition - Books, Podcasts, Conversation, Research Paper Storage - Written down on a handy piece of tool like the pen & Paper / Daily Notes Processing/Markup - Understand, Breed Thoughts, Links and Make it explainable to even a 5 Year Old. Archival - Put it up safely, in a folder structure. Reference - Refer it whenever needed. Use Search Algos to sift through thousands of texts.

Random Note in Obsidian to be used to randomly fall onto a note topics. Review Plugin Review after a certain date.

Aesthetics Custom CSS / Minimal Plugins. No overcrowding.

Easy to use Obsidian System