
The Design Technologist Portfolio aims at only one thing -

Showing the Talk

Instead of putting in your achievements and your contributions in your Resume, put it in the Portfolio to show overall impact.

Parts to the Portfolio

The Portfolio should consists of the following parts, and must be completed by the end of this year.

The ”Design” in Design Technology

Showcasing all works of Computational Design - That led to the devlopement of Concept Designs including Design Development Tracks.

  • Studio Symbiosis Works ( Final Products )

The “Tech” in Design in Technology

All works and practices that were conducted with ThinkParametric Courses along with works in Office. Careful not to disclose sensitive information!

Try to Exaggerate the Applications of these projects. Exaggerate their affect on the Team, etc.

The “Code” in Design Technology

Programming gives you Options, show these options out loud. Give away the PyRevit scripts for free. Show them the repo! Show them what they get out of you.

All Codes and Snippets sent out to them. For Free. They might probably be created in house in DAR, but it doesn’t make it theirs.

If I can create it once, I can have it replicated again and again! Any day!

The Extra - The Selling Point

An image of the BIM TaskForce OS dashboards as a way to tease for something revolutionary!

Create a One Page Site, make it interactive and a way for people to see the end product.