Over the years, I have had the opportunity and privilege to learn from some of the best computational designers. Each approached problems in their unique way, but all their ways worked out in the end. This got me thinking: can one identify their “way of code” based on their problem-solving approach? Here’s my take. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a newbie, you might find yourself fitting into one of these three categories.

The Perfectionist

Probably the most common type, being a perfectionist can be a double-edged sword. Perfectionists spend hours tweaking the smallest details to achieve absolute precision. They are obsessed with clean code, naming conventions, and flawless execution. However, the downside is paralysis by analysis. Perfectionists can get so caught up in the details that projects take much longer to complete.

Which is why the next type is my favourite!

The Innovator

The Innovators are one of the most fun types. Their solutions are often unpredictable, and they are never afraid to try the “next new toy” in the market. They spend most of their time learning and putting those learnings into action. Innovators are not afraid to break the rules of code and always push the boundaries of what’s possible.

And then, there are those who value practicality over experimentation.

The Pragmatist

The complete opposite of the Innovator, the Pragmatist follows the saying “done is better than perfect.” They favor functionality over efficiency and prefer tried-and-true methods that get the job done quickly and effectively. Their solutions are practical and the quickest to execute among the three types.

The Balanced Computational Designer

The ultimate aim for me would be a mix of all three types. This balanced mindset allows you to leverage the strengths of each type while mitigating their weaknesses. When time is of the essence, being a Pragmatist helps. When critical problems need to be resolved, an Innovator takes the stage. For reliability and collaboration, a Perfectionist is essential.

Which type do you resonate with the most?